-Live Mint Even as India struggles in efforts to usher in transparency, some panchayats are offering a refreshing contrast Chandana/Jind: Sometime last year, Surendra Singh got a call from a military outpost in Srinagar. The soldier had an urgent inquiry for the 31-year-old sarpanch of Chandana, a village in Haryana's Kaithal district. The man, who hailed from the village, had lost his voter ID card and needed a letter from the...
This Lok Sabha could be the least productive in history -Bharti Jain
-The Times of India The present Lok Sabha could well end up with the dubious distinction of being the least productive in terms of business transacted among those that completed their full five-year terms. According to statistics compiled by the Lok Sabha secretariat, 1,157 hours of sittings had taken place until the 12th session of the 15th Lok Sabha, which was elected in May 2009. Among the Houses that completed five-year terms, the...
More »Panel proposes to dissolve DoNER -Nishit Dholabhai
-The Telegraph A parliamentary panel has recommended that the Union government dissolve the ministry of development of north eastern region (DoNER) and put it under the Prime Minister's Office. The reason for the ministry's dissolution has been attributed to the plummeting efficiency levels and achievement rate in its planned schemes. "The committee, therefore, strongly recommends that the government should consider the handicaps of the DoNER ministry in a very serious manner. It should...
More »Govt pushes for food, land bills this session -Saubhadra Chatterji
-The Hindustan Times Even as the logjam in Parliament over ‘coalgate' and the JPC shows no sign of resolution, government managers moved ahead with two key social-sector bills - food security and land acquisition. The government has listed the food bill for discussion and passing on May 3 and the land bill for May 8. While the steps are seen more as the UPA's attempt to showcase its commitment towards its pending...
More »Notice to government on doling out largesse to religious institutions
-The Hindu Bangalore: The Karnataka High Court on Thursday ordered issue of notices to the State government and various maths on a public interest litigation petition challenging the government for granting several crores of rupees to 13 Lingayat maths and a few others religious institutions in the budget. A Division Bench comprising Chief Justice D.H. Waghela and Justice B.V. Nagarathna passed the order on the petition filed by H. Marappa and others...
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