-PTI/ Newsclick.in The woman, Ranganayaki, said she merely shared a forwarded post by her friend raising questions on the incident. Amaravati: The Andhra Pradesh CID police have registered a case against a 60-year-old woman for allegedly posting in social media questions pertaining to the recent Styrene gas leak incident in Visakhapatnam in which 12 people lost their lives and hundreds fell ill. The CID is also investigating the role of a man, Malladi...
When a News Article Vanishes, We Have More Than Just a Pandemic to Worry About -Priyanka Pulla
-TheWire.in An article critical of the government's response to COVID-19 was published on The New Indian Express's website on May 8, and disappeared from its link within a day. Last week, The New Indian Express, one of India’s major English newspapers, pulled down an article that was heavily critical of the Centre’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The article, entitled ‘Centre’s COVID-19 Communication Plan: hold back data, gag agencies and scientists’, discussed...
More »‘Sarkar is Only for the Rich, the Poor Are Meant to Die’ -Ajaz Ashraf
-Newsclick.in Meet Siya Ram, president of Dalit Ekta Camp, a JJ cluster in Delhi’s Vasant Kunj colony, an upwardly-mobile residential neighbourhood. The Modi government’s decision to impose a national lockdown, on since 24 March, to check the spread of the Novel Coronavirus has caused tremendous hardship to the poor. Its most lamentable symbol has been the sight of lakhs of migrants fleeing cities to villages, walking or cycling down the highway or...
More »Modi government is misusing the ‘fake news’ tag to try to evade media scrutiny -Shoaib Daniyal
-Scroll.in During the coronavirus pandemic, India needs a free press more than ever. These intimidation tactics do not help. Publishing news based on information from credible, unidentified sources is a global journalistic practice. This allows critical facts to surface even if sourcexsce afraid of repercussions. In India, though, the government is creating an atmosphere in which journalists will be afraid of publishing such material. On Sunday, the Delhi Police summoned an Indian Express...
More »Job Losses Soar as Modi Govt Continues to Grope in the Dark -Subodh Varma
-Newsclick.in In April alone, over 12 crore jobs were estimated to have been lost, and unemployment is at over 27% in the beginning of May. After the loss of nearly 80 lakh jobs in March, most of them in the last week after the countrywide lockdown was suddenly announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on March 24, latest data collected by CMIE or Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy through their periodic sample...
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