-The Hindu With little cash in hand, small traders and shopkeepers are unable to keep their businesses running Surendar’s move from Bihar to Perambalur in the heart of Tamil Nadu in search of a livelihood has turned sour over the past few days. A school dropout, Surendar, who made a living selling pani-poori from a cart in this town, has seen his business plummet since the November 8 demonetisation announcement. “Everyone brings...
States advised to add rain shortfall in MGNREGS budget -Ruchika Chitravanshi
-The Economic Times New Delhi: The government has asked 25 states that received less than 75% rainfall during the monsoon to factor in the deficit while preparing the labour budget for the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) in FY18. According to data analysed by the agriculture ministry, 155 districts in 25 states received less than 75% of the long period average rainfall between June and September 2016. States...
More »All about means and ends -Sakina Dhorajiwala & Rajendran Narayanan
-The Hindu The Management Information System of MGNREGA is a way to providing data on implementation. But to achieve complete transparency it has to overcome several shortcomings The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) is not only a pioneering livelihood security programme but also a great example of proactive disclosure of information through its Management Information System (MIS). It is the first transaction-based real-time system for any public works programme...
More »With limewater, farmers increase milk yield in cows -Sangamesh Menasinakai
-The Times of India HUBBALLI: Young farmers in Haveri district have come up with an innovative method to turn husbandry into a lucrative affair. They are administering limewater to their cattle, which keeps the oxen healthy, and results in a surge in the quantity of milk produced by cows. This is part of the sustainable livelihoods for smallholder farmers' programme introduced by the Initiative for Development Foundation (IDF) in June. It is...
More »Retaining MGNREGA's core -Brinda Karat
-The Hindu Held to account by the Supreme Court, the Central government is using opaque methods to change the key provisions of the employment guarantee scheme and make it targeted instead of universal. There is a pithy saying in Hindi that the elephant has two sets of teeth, one for show and the other to eat. This seems an apt description of the approach of the Narendra Modi government towards the implementation...
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