-The Hindu On an average, rural and urban households own assets worth Rs.10 lakh and Rs.23 lakh respectively. The average asset holding of the bottom 10 per cent of urban Indian households is around Rs. 291, new data from the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) show. Most households reported owning some kind of physical or financial assets, the survey, conducted in 2012-13 and made public on Friday, shows. On an average, rural and...
Child stunting declines, but still high, data show -Rukmini S & Samarth Bansal
-The Hindu As of 2005-06, India had 62 million stunted children, accounting for a third of the world’s burden of stunting. Indian states have seen some improvements in child nutrition over the last decade, the first official data in over a decade shows, but over one in three children is still stunted, and over one in five underweight. As of 2005-6, India had 62 million stunted children, accounting for a third of the...
More »Land pooling looks fertile, but Dholera farmers not reaping benefits -Namita Kohli
-Hindustan Times A little over a 100 kms south from the city of Ahmedabad, in the lush green cotton fields, speckled with creamy white cotton buds, locals will regale you with stories of farmers who sold their land and got rich. There is one about a few farmers in a nearby village, who sold their land to a corporate and bought the “chaar bangle waali car” (referring to the Audi logo)....
More »Leaving no poor person behind -Jean Dreze
-The Hindu The National Food Security Act is finally making headway in the poorest States. Amplified by reforms in the Public Distribution System, a modicum of nutritional support and economic security to all vulnerable households is now a real possibility. Dhobargram is a small Santhal village in Bankura district of West Bengal, with 100 households or so. Most of them are poor, or even very poor, by any plausible standard. There are...
More »Why India has a ‘low’ crime rate -Deeptiman Tiwary
-The Indian Express While Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands display high numbers of criminal activity, India stands with Yemen and Lebanon in the lower zone. Last month, when women and child development minister Maneka Gandhi was pushing through amendments to Juvenile Justice Act in Parliament that would lower the age of culpability as an adult from 18 to 16, she cited a rising number of crimes by juveniles. In the year...
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