-The Hindu The Supreme Court, which on Tuesday ordered compulsory registration of First Information Reports, noted that the burking (suppression) of crime might itself be in the range of 60 lakh cases every year. Quoting figures from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), a five-judge Constitution Bench, said: "Registration of FIRs leads to less manipulation in criminal cases and lessens incidents of ‘antedated' FIR or deliberately delayed FIR." The NCRB figures showed that...
CBI can’t act as a police force, Gauhati high court rules -Dhananjay Mahapatra
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: In a startling decision which has ramifications for sensitive cases, the Gauhati high court has ruled that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) was legally not a police force and stripped it of its powers to investigate crimes, arrest suspects and file charge-sheets. The ministry of home affairs (MHA) had, by a resolution dated April 1, 1963, constituted the CBI as a police force under the...
More »In India, Maharashtra tops list of women arrested for crime -V Narayan
-The Times of India MUMBAI: Maharashtra has witnessed more women being arrested in criminal cases from 2010 to 2012 than any other Indian state. Statistics compiled by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) show that 90,884 women were arrested for offences under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) during the three-year period. This was about 58% more than the 57,406 arrests in Andhra Pradesh and 84% more than the 49,333 arrests in Madhya...
More »Atrocities that no longer shock-Kalpana Kannabiran
-The Hindu While the Delhi rape incident saw mass protests for justice, crimes against Dalits hardly evoke such outrage, which is why the killers in the Laxmanpur-Bathe massacre have got away The response by the state to the 2012 Delhi gang rape case was immediate and effective - a commission to review legislative protections and recommend amendments, and a new enactment. The judiciary responded similarly - death penalty for the accused and...
More »There is class bias in awarding death penalty -Harsh Mander
-The Hindustan Times Last winter, two men were hanged to death in India's jails, indicted for crimes of terror. On August 8, another man, Maganlal Barela- a little-known tribal cultivator, charged with killing his five little daughters - was scheduled to hang in the Jabalpur Central Jail. Human rights lawyers chanced to read of his hanging in an online news item the evening before his execution was fixed, and rushed to meet...
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