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Problems farmers face are rooted in structural constraints, require regulatory intervention -Mekhala Krishnamurthy

-The Indian Express We must recognise and strengthen the diversity, dynamism, enterprise, and resilience of India’s agricultural markets. Last week, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman signalled the Union government’s intention to enact a new central law that would override existing state regulations that restrict the farmer from legally selling to anyone other than a buyer licensed by the local Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee (APMC). The decision to push for a central law comes...

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New Research: How lockdown has impacted Indian farmers, their yields -Seema Chishti

-The Indian Express The survey has found a “very strong association between food insecurity & farm size, with landless farmers 10 times more likely to skip a meal in the past month compared to large farmers”. Preliminary findings of a survey of more than 1,000 agricultural households across 12 Indian states show that 60% of those who did harvest reported a yield loss, and 1/10th of them could not harvest their crop...

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Garment units in Gurugram hit by curbs on movement of workers from Delhi -Ashok Kumar

-The Hindu They are grappling with an acute shortage of workers despite the government allowing industries to open Gurugram: Though the Haryana government has allowed industries to resume operations after April 20 to encourage economic activity in the State, garment units in the millennium city are grappling with a shortage of workforce due to restrictions on cross-border movement between Delhi and Gurugram for the past three weeks. The restrictions have also led to...

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Persons with disability face severe challenges in lockdown, says report -Bindu Shajan Perappadan

-The Hindu Limited access to doorstep delivery of essentials, govt helplines and financial govt aid are key problems Limited access to doorstep delivery of essentials, government helplines and financial assistance from the government were among the key problems faced by persons with disability, according to a report on ‘status of persons with disabilities in India during the COVID-19 crisis’, released by the National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People (NCPEDP)...

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How public health boosts an economy -K Srinath Reddy

-The Hindu A stronger health system in a country can lead to better outcomes on the economic growth front When public health sneezes, the economy catches cold. Dire predictions for the post-COVID-19 global economy have come from the International Monetary Fund, which called the present crisis the worst downturn since the Great Depression. Grim forebodings for the Indian economy have been sounded by many distinguished economists and the Governor of the Reserve...

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