-The Indian Express The crisis in the crop’s prices in two of the four years of the Modi government illustRATe that farmers no longer matter to it. Farmers are habitually great raconteurs. My grandfather would often narRATe an episode, when he encountered a farmer sitting by a heap of potatoes in the middle of the night. On investigating what compelled the farmer to guard potatoes when there were no buyers, he was...
Will 'climate smart agriculture' serve the public interest - or the drive for growing profits for private corpoRATions? -Peter Newell, Jennifer Clapp & Zoe W Brent
-TheEcologist.org 'Climate smart agriculture' has become the buzz phrase at high level international policy discussions. But now there is a struggle over its definition. Is it the latest manifestation for corpoRATe social responsibility or the title of a manifesto for real, grassroots led, change, ask PETER NEWELL, JENNIFER CLAPP and ZOE BRENT The race is on to deliver models of agricultural development that are viable and sustainable in a world of...
More »India lags BRIC, Pakistan on inclusiveness: WEF survey -Sidhartha
-The Times of India DAVOS: India was ranked 62nd among 74 emerging economies on World Economic Forum's Inclusive Development Index, a report released on Monday said. Although India was ranked lower than Brazil, Russia, China and even Pakistan, it was among the 10 emerging economies with 'advancing' trend. "The 2018 index measures progress of 103 economies on three individual pillars-growth & development, inclusion & inter-geneRATional equity and sustainability. Of the three pillars,...
More »Global crash, local glut hit GujaRAT milk market -Gopal B Kateshiya & Harish Damodaran
-The Indian Express Dairy farmers in GujaRAT, till recently, were relatively insulated from the crisis faced by those growing cotton, groundnut or potatoes. Rajkot/ New Delhi: AFTER COTTON and groundnut, it’s milk that is turning sour for GujaRAT’s farmers. A crash in global skimmed milk powder (SMP) RATes, coupled with surging procurement by dairy unions affiliated to the GujaRAT CoopeRATive Milk Marketing FedeRATion (GCMMF), has led to an unprecedented glut. In the last...
More »How A TV Serial Watched By 400 Million Changed Gender Beliefs In Rural India -Swagata Yadavar
-SabrangIndia.in In PRATapgarh, a village that could be anywhere in the Hindi belt, a young man, Ravi, gets to know that his wife, Seema, is pregnant with a girl child, third time in a row. He wants her to get an abortion because he wants a male child. He forces Seema to accompany him to a doctor who agrees to conduct the abortion though the foetus is past the 20-week deadline...
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