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Political meddling proves toxic for pollution control boards -Meena Menon

-The Hindu Boards are understaffed, have little time for meetings, inspection or regulation, says study Mumbai: Environmental protection seems to be in shaky hands with political appointees nominated to head state pollution control boards (SPCB) in some places. In one case, the educational qualification of the chairperson was tenth standard. In Karnataka, for instance, the chairperson of the SPCB is Vaman Acharya, a senior BJP leader. In Himachal Pradesh, it is Kuldip Singh...

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Amartya Sen backs Bihar’s growth model

-The Times of India   NEW DELHI: Nobel laureate Amartya Sen on Sunday backed Bihar's growth strategy, arguing that growth was not independent of social transformation. "What is needed is an integrated approach for development and growth," Sen said at a book release event. Citing Japan's model, which was later adopted by South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore, the noted economist suggested that without education and proper health facilities, it was difficult...

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Chhattisgarh: 30 take ill after eating mid-day meal

-PTI Raipur: Nearly 30 students were fell illafter eating mid day meals at their school in Chhattisgarh's Bemetara district on Saturday, district authorities said. "Thirty students of a Primary school at Maugaon village complained of stomach pain and vomiting after eating the mid-day meal, following which 25 of them were rushed to Bemetara district hospital," Bemetara Collector Basavaraju S told PTI over phone. "The condition of these 25 children is said to be...

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Mid-Day Meal for the Poor, Privatised education for the Non-Poor-Manisha Garg and Kalyan Sankar Mandal

-Economic and Political Weekly The mid-day meal programme was introduced to mitigate social inequalities inherited through the hierarchical division of society, or what is called "resilience of social structures". This structural discrimination directly impedes equal access to benefits of development by excluding the poor and marginalised. A study of the MDM programme in rural Rajasthan probes this aspect of the "resilience of social structure". In particular, the article asks under what...

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Don’t crunch this lunch -Reetika Khera

-The Times of India The tragic incident in Bihar has raised questions about the midday meal (MDM) scheme, an otherwise popular and successful programme. Laggard states should use this as an opportunity to catch up with others and protect the scheme against emerging dangers. For those unfamiliar with it, the MDM scheme is a huge programme that today feeds more than 11 crore children every day. It is also a very popular...

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