Total Matching Records found : 3213

Need to regulate microfinance institutions: AIDWA by Parvathi Menon

Among the several resolutions passed on Thursday by the 9th conference of the All India Democratic Women's Association (AIDWA) in Kanpur, one of the most important ones was on the need to regulate microfinance institutions (MFIs), which are exercising an iron grip on poor women debtors in several States of the country. The resolution drew attention to the “spate of suicides as a result of the harassment and strong-arm tactics employed...

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Disasters at the bottom of the pyramid by Kanika Datta

The term “bottom of the pyramid” (BOP), coined by the late C K Prahalad, became wildly attractive in the early noughties, in part because the concept, which suggests that it is possible and legit to make money from the poor, provided a leavening justification for the animal spirits of capitalism in poor countries like India and China with their growing list of Forbes billionaires. On the verge of the second decade...

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Micro finance, macro objectives by Krishnamurthy V Subramanian

Sample some data on the microfinance performance in India: According to the data provided by, microfinance in India reached close to 270 lakh active borrowers in 2009, with the average loan size close to Rs 8,000. This translates into total borrowing to over Rs 20,000 crore. Though this number seems large, it represents only 0.3% of our GDP. Thus, large swathes of poor, both in our villages and urban...

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What is wrong with MG-NREGA?

Can we afford to leave MG-NREGA alone? Why is the civil society crying foul? Are the rural activists demanding too much? Is the UPA-II trying to take back what UPA-I gave before the elections? Let us face it, the MG-NREGA is in a big crisis. NAC members like Aruna Roy and Jean Dreze have alleged (See links below) that the present remuneration of rural workers is declining by the day and it...

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Centre says 'no' to export of non-basmati rice

The Union Food and Agriculture Ministry has turned down requests from Punjab, Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh for resuming export of non-basmati rice. The government has banned export of wheat and non-basmati rice from February 2, 2007 and April 1, 2008 to stabilise prices of these commodities in the domestic market and to maintain sufficient stocks for ensuring food security in the country. Not acceded to “Requests were received from the State governments of...

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