-The Hindu Sleuths from the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) conducted searches in 12 locations in Lucknow district on Saturday in connection with the multi-crore foodgrains scam in Uttar Pradesh. The scam relates to sale of wheat and rice — meant for distribution to the poor — in the black market from 2002 to 2007, and was estimated to be of the order of around Rs. 35,000 crore. The locations included those in...
Jairam says ‘no' to foodgrains as part payment-K Balchand
“The best way to solve the problem of surplus foodgrains is to roll out food security law” Opposing the Union Finance and Food & Civil Supply Ministries' proposal for providing foodgrains as part payment of wages under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, Union Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh holds that the best way to solve the problem of surplus foodgrains is to roll out the food security law...
More »Putative farmer-friendly policy killing rural prosperity, hurting farmers-TK Arun
Rural India has been denied access to globalisation, penalising farmers and farm labour. For the farmer, the government's policy is best described as Dhritarashtra's embrace. After the Mahabharata war was over, the old king met his nephews, the victorious Pandavas, and embraced them, one by one, in a gesture of forgiving and affection. When, Bhima's turn came, the loving embrace was so tight that it crushed a metal dummy of the second...
More »Direct sale by farmer: A welcome proposal for all
-DNA The state government’s proposal to let farmers circumvent the agriculture produce market committees and sell their yield directly to consumers — which essentially means whoever they wish to sell it to — needs to be welcomed even by those of us in the cities who may not be conversant with agricultural practices. While the MIddlemen who control the APMCs are bound to raise howls of protest about the attempt to overturn...
More »Over 2,000 accused in UP foodgrain scam-Dhananjay Mahapatra
The massive spread of the UP foodgrain diversion scam came to the fore when CBI told the Supreme Court that it has filed FIRs against over 2,000 people, including politicians and public servants, during its investigations in just five places. No other single scam in India's history has seen registration of FIRs against so many persons and this could also be worrisome for the Akhilesh Singh Yadav government as the list...
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