-The Indian Express Replying to a question on whether the SC had suggested that the government bring out a national policy to control farmers suicides, Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar said the court order stated an issue like this could not be dealt with overnight. Union Minister of State for Agriculture Parshottam Rupala on Tuesday said that suicides by farmers increased after a loan waiver of Rs 70,000 crore was announced...
Campaign on dropout students in Rajasthan focuses on right to education -MoHAmmad Iqbal
-The Hindu The campaign, launched by the Rajasthan State Legal Services Authority, has identified over 42,400 such children Jaipur: A campaign for bringing dropout students back to schools, launched by the Rajasthan State Legal Services Authority, has identified over 42,400 such children through para-legal volunteers in the State. With its mandate to ensure right to education for each child, the Authority has initiated action in collaboration with the State government's Education Department for...
More »Debate on Budget: Opposition targets govt on NREGS allocation, unemployment -Liz Mathew & Shalini Nair
-The Indian Express Opposition members said it has no roadmap and does not address the serious issues of agrarian crisis and unemployment. TARGETING THE Union Budget in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday, Opposition members said it has no roadmap and does not address the serious issues of agrarian crisis and unemployment. The ruling BJP members countered that the Budget has “everything to take the country to a $5 trillion economy in...
More »India's water crisis: Lakes, ponds need urgent attention -Prasanna MoHAnty
-IndiaToday.in Nothing short of a complete overhaul or rethinking the approach towards water bodies is needed if India were to fight its water crisis without paying too heavy price. * Water bodies are important to recharge groundwater and absorb excess rain to prevent flooding * Water bodies in India are fast disappearing triggering drought situations and water shortage * The significance of restoring or reviving water bodies cannot be overemphasised For far too long the...
More »Are MoHAlla Clinics Making the Aam Aadmi Healthy in Delhi? -Taniya Sah, Neha Bailwal and Rituparna Kaushik
-TheWire.in An independent analysis of 12 MoHAlla clinics in Delhi to verify the claims of the government and opposition. Delhi’s MoHAlla Clinics created quite a stir when the first one was opened in Peeragarhi in 2015. During the Aam Aadmi Party’s first year in office, the clinics were started to take diagnostics and treatment of simple ailments to people’s doorstep and reduce the footfall in tertiary care hospitals. MoHAlla Clinics have been...
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