-The Hindu Amid reports in a section of the media that the Government was reconsidering its policy that disallows news programmes on private FM channels, Union Information & Broadcasting Ministry Secretary Bimal Julka on Tuesday said no decision as such had been taken as yet. According to Mr. Julka, the policy was being looked at in the wake of the Supreme Court's notice to the Centre on a public interest writ petition...
Govt may lift ban on private and community radio news -Himanshi Dhawan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The ban on news on private and community radio channels could be lifted soon. The information & broadcasting ministry is learned to be reconsidering its stand that insists on a government monopoly on radio news. Commercial and community radio are currently not allowed to broadcast news or current affairs. Ministry sources say the re-think is because of a combination of reasons. For one, the Supreme Court recently...
More »Outsiders in Kutch’s mini-Punjab: Sikh farmers battling for their land -Satish Jha
-The Indian Express Kutch (Gujarat): Bhajan Singh, 62, remembers the time curious villagers turned up to see a borewell his father Gopal Singh had dug up. The year was 1969 and it was the first time Sumrasar village, near Bhuj in Kutch district, had had a borewell. Few had ever seen it work, as they depended entirely on rainwater for the barely one crop they harvested a year. Originally from Pakistan, Gopal...
More »India Inc ready for business under Lokpal watch-Lubna Kably & Namrata Singh
-The Times of India MUMBAI: After Parliament's assent to the Lokpal Bill, India Inc has engaged legal eagles and consultants to examine its ramifications. At first glance, it appears that nothing much changes for the corporate sector, which is governed by anti-corruption legislations such as the Indian Penal Code or The Prevention of Corruption Act. Besides, as business is now global, anti-corruption laws of other countries also apply. Yet, with the bill...
More »What workplaces owe women -Indira Jaising
-The Indian Express The law is clear on how to handle sexual harassment. But our most important institutions have been slow to catch up. The notification issued by the Supreme Court on November 26, 2013 does not address the issue raised by the young intern who has made a complaint that she was sexually harassed by a former judge. The 10 eminent members of the Gender Sensitisation and Internal Complaints Committee will...
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