-The Hindu The NDA's first budget has thrown a few sops in the direction of the environment and the millions dependent on it. But much like its predecessors, in painting the big picture it remains embarrassingly devoid of innovative ideas on how to move India towards ecological sustainability and justice "While 2015 will be a landmark year for sustainable development and climate change policy, 2014 is the last chance for all stakeholders...
Erasing lines & providing solutions -Naresh Kumar
-The New Indian Express HYDERABAD: Food Sovereignty Alliance (FSA) has been in existence across 13 districts in both Andhra Pradesh and Telangana since 2013. It brings onto a common platform - Adivasi, Dalit, Pastoralist and Peasant social movements along with co-producers, to build solidarity with one another for a common vision of food sovereignty and they screened Breeding Invasions at Lamakaan on Sunday evening followed by an open forum. This film produced...
More »A year on, no lessons learnt from Bihar mid day meal tragedy -Jyotika Sood
-Down to Earth Civil society calls for pesticide-free, organic food under government programmes for children while Bihar focuses on building new kitchens in government schools A year after 23 school children in Bihar's Saran district died of insecticide poisoning after consuming food served under Mid Day Meal (MDM) Scheme, government agencies seem to have forgotten the serious concern over handling and banning of hazardous chemicals that the tragedy raised. The children of Dharmasati-Gandaman...
More »Getting more with less -Latha Jishnu
-Down to Earth System of crop intensification, specially in rice, has shown sizeable savings in water and seed usage. Yet its adoption has not spread despite incentives SIMPLE TECHNIQUES and manag-ement practices tend to be viewed with suspicion. In the age of input-intensive agriculture which calls for an array of machinery and a host of scientific props, a crop management system whose core basically is protecting the plant's roots to provide better...
More »Norman Uphoff, Professor emeritus of Government and International Agriculture at Cornell University, United States interviewed by Latha Jishnu
-Down to Earth Norman Uphoff, professor emeritus of government and international agriculture at Cornell University, US, likes to say that the system of rice intensification is a virus. He says he caught the virus in 1990 and that it took a full three years for the virus to set in. Uphoff, 73, is talking about SRI, the system of rice intensification, a bug that he caught in Madagascar from a French...
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