In its wisdom, the state giveth and the state taketh away. When it acquires farmlands claiming eminent domain, there is blood on the streets. However, when it quietly bestows largesse on chosen ones, it is barely noticed. At worst there is a lawsuit. There were a dozen lengthy judgments from the Supreme Court in the past two months on land acquisition disputes — a mark of the times. But the biased...
Declare assets, Manmohan reminds Ministers
-The Hindu Cabinet Secretary K.M. Chandrasekhar, on behalf of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, has written to Union Ministers reminding them of the mandatory annual disclosure of assets and liabilities in accordance with the ‘Code of Conduct for Ministers.' Under the code, Ministers have to declare every financial year the list of their assets and liabilities, including that of family members. The details pertaining to the Financial Year 2010-11 are uploaded on...
More »MCI asked to check selective abortions
-The Hindu Concerned at the skewed sex ratio as reflected in the latest Census report, the Centre has asked the Medical Council of India to take cognisance of the practice of illegal sex selection and sex selective abortion. The MCI has been told to ensure that guidelines for accreditation of training and experience for medical practitioners are put in place quickly. The process of regular reviews with 18 States that have...
More »Maya land policy is a good model
-The Deccan Chronicle Acquiring farmers’ lands for industrial and other non-agricultural uses has been a cause of tension and unrest in different parts of the country in recent years. If Singur in West Bengal dramatically made history and firmly placed Mamata Banerjee and her Trinamul Congress in the lead in the politics of the state, the recent case of the twin villages of Bhatta-Parsaul at Noida in Uttar Pradesh, not...
More »To not land in trouble by Ibrahim Hafeezur Rehman
Every year, industrial development projects displace about 10 million people globally. In India alone, involuntary resettlement has affected about 50 million people over the last five decades. Three-fourths of them still face an uncertain future. People displaced by such projects are prone to being rendered landless, jobless, homeless and marginalised. Yet, the policies and programmes related to their relocation and rehabilitation are yet to find satisfactory answers to questions like: Is...
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