-The Hindu 572 children need immediate attention Palakkad (Kerala): A year after a large number of child deaths were reported from Attappady owing to malnutrition, an official survey held in the past two weeks has found that 572 children below the age of five in the tribal belt still remain malnourished. As per the findings of the survey conducted by the National Rural Heath Mission (NRHM), the condition of 127 of these 572...
Empowering women farm workers
-The Hindu Kudumbasree members undergo Food Security Army training Thrissur (Kerala): The smile on Sheeba Satheesh's face says it all. While working in farms, she had been diffident. "I have been an agriculture worker for four years, but lacked skills," she said. The Food Security Army (FSA) training has inspired confidence in her. She and several colleagues in the Kudumbasree movement were a part of the FSA training conducted in the district recently. Says Celina...
More »Gujarat may replicate Amma canteen model -Aloysius Xavier Lopez
-The Hindu It was in this city that Chief Minister Jayalalithaa asked at her election campaign not long ago, "Who is a better administrator? Is it Gujarat's Modi or this Tamil Nadu lady?" While this question may be relevant now because of the changes that have since taken place, it is striking that on Thursday, a team of officials from Gujarat who visited the Amma canteen said their State was looking to...
More »Elderly women More Vulnerable to Abuse Than Men: Report
-Outlook Elderly women face more abuse than their male counterparts in metro cities than non-metro cities, a survey on the existence of elder abuse in urban India has found. According to a report released today by HelpAge India, on the eve of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day to be observed on June 15, women seemed to be more vulnerable with 52 per cent women facing abuse as against 48 per cent men. The...
More »Disadvantaged groups have little access to public goods, says India exclusion report -Jitendra
-Down to Earth Most severely and consistently excluded groups are women, Adivasis, Muslims and the disabled, report confirms A recent report by a Delhi NGO undermines government claims on reaching welfare schemes to the needy and disadvantaged sections of society. The report, titled The India Exclusion Report 2013-14, says the government has failed miserably in providing equal access to public goods to the most disadvantaged groups. The report, prepared by Delhi-based Centre for...
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