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Election Commission can't regulate content of media article, says High Court -Anubhuti Vishnoi

-The Economic Times NEW delhi: Dealing a second blow to the Election Commission’s position on an issue in less than six months, the delhi High Court has last week set aside the EC order disqualifying BJP’s Cabinet minister in Madhya Pradesh Narottam Mishra, on grounds of paid news. The latest HC order could draw a red line for the EC on the subject of ‘paid news’ as it says that the Commission’s...

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Dads' drive after loss of kids -GS Mudur

-The Telegraph New delhi: Three fathers who lost a child each to alleged medical negligence and a patients' rights group have asked the Union health ministry to establish new mechanisms to address complaints of negligence. The existing institutional mechanisms to protect patients has failed and broken down, their letter to minister J.P. Nadda and health officials on Saturday said. The parents and the rights group, the All India Drug Action Network, have sought...

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Private schools flunk CBSE Class XII test -Basant Kumar Mohanty

-The Telegraph Results bring under stress perception of pre-eminence New delhi: Students from private schools have continued to fare worse than their peers from government and government-aided schools in the Central Board of Secondary Education's Class XII exams, whose results were announced on Saturday. The results appear to belie the popular perception that private schools impart a higher quality of education than government and aided schools. Some 83.01 per cent of the students passed,...

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Political funding and a deadly stir -Dushyant Sterlite protests have raised some troubling questions: why was ‘illegal’ foreign funding legalised and why was Vedanta given an extension? In 2013, India witnessed what many believe was an organic, mass movement against corruption in politics. Many people viewed one party as thoroughly corrupt and started looking at its main rival with some hope. They thought this second party deserved be voted to power. In March 2014, the delhi High Court...

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Farm incomes, rural wages and other things in between -Prosenjit Datta New delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a great orator. He also makes grand announcements about ambitious targets, leaving hapless officials and others to work out the details. And sometimes, exactly what he meant while making that announcement is not very clear to the people tasked with working out strategies and policies to achieve that target. One example is his speech during the Kisan Rally in Bareilly, UP, on 28th February...

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