Total Matching Records found : 24734

The Seed Bill needs to be tweaked to serve the interests of all stakeholders better -Ram Kaundinya

-The Hindu Business Line The proposals relating to registration of seed varieties and powers granted to the government to fix PRIces in some situations need a relook Seed is the PRImary input of a productive agriculture set-up. No one can deny the fact that the seed industry has been at the centre of the significant advances made in agriculture in the last four decades and will continue to do in the years...

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Civil society criticizes the passage of 'Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights)' Bill in its current form

-Press release by National Alliance of Peoples' Movements  dated 28 November, 2019 In yet another of its egregious legislative misadventures, the BJP Government with support from some other parties, passed the regressive 'Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights)' Bill, in the Rajya Sabha yesterday, despite wide-spread opposition by members of the transgender, intersex and gender non-confirming communities, seeking referral of the Bill to a Select Committee. We have all been witness to...

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Stockholding restrictions for onion extended indefinitely

-PTI With onion PRIces continuing to rule high at ?80-90 per kg, the government on Wednesday extended prohibitions on traders from the stocking of edible bulb across the country for an indefinite period. Separately, Food and Consumer Affairs Minister Ram Vilas Paswan did not say by when PRIces of onion will normalise. “It’s not in our hand, the government is taking maximum efforts but who can win from nature,” he told reporters. Please click...

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The NRC is part of the BJP's attempt to redefine India's identity

-The Telegraph The Opposition’s feebleness at this moment of crisis for our secular, democratic founding PRInciples is deeply worrying Once the chariot starts rolling, it is difficult to stop it. The Union home minister’s announcement in Parliament last week that the National Register of Citizens will be carried out throughout the country, including Assam in the ‘natural course of events’, rang with the confidence of a rolling chariot that can ignore all...

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India is not REALLY open-defecation free, but again, people may have lied: NSO report

-Financial Express An overwhelming number of Indians have claimed that they don’t have access to toilets, poking holes in PRIme Minister Narendra Modi’s assertion of India having become open-defecation free under Swachh Bharat. But the NSO, which conducted the survey, also said that the respondents could not be fully trusted, and that they may have lied to underreport the access to toilets. About 30% of rural households lacked access to toilets...

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