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Job creation more than doubles to 136,000 in July-Sept 2017: Labour Bureau -Somesh Jha

-Business Standard In the manufacturing sector, 89,000 jobs were created as compared to job loss of 87,000 in the previous quarter and job creation of 24,000 in the same period last year Job creation in the organised sector rose two-fold to 136,000 in July-September 2017 compared to the previous quarter, largely driven by an uptick in the manufacturing sector, latest official estimates showed. In comparison, job creation stood at 64,000 in April-June 2017...

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Ease of Doing business: W Bengal moves from laggard to leader among peers -Subhayan Chakraborty

-Business Standard State set to grab pole position in 3rd edition of rankings, which are likely to be out early April, Delhi expected to score low The third edition of the government's annual Ease of Doing Business ranking for States, modeled on the international one conducted by the World Bank, may see West Bengal jumping 15 places to top the list along with Chhatisgarh and Madhya Pradesh. Data collected till Wednesday on an...

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Record government expenditure on MGNREGS underlines rural distress -Elizabeth Roche and Sayantan Bera The government expenditure on MGNREGS in 2017-18 was nearly Rs. 25,000 crore more than what was spent in 2013-14 New Delhi: The national rural employment guarantee scheme saw a record expenditure of Rs63,887 crore in 2017-18, the highest since it was launched 12 years ago, showed data provided by the government on Monday. However, high demand for work from rural households in a normal monsoon year (2017) also suggests acute rural distress,...

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It is Now Official, BJP Ruled States Outdo Others in Crime against Dalits -SR Darapuri Number of crimes against Dalits have gone up substantially It has again come up prominently in the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) “Crime in India-2016” Report that BJP ruled States outdo other States in atrocities against Dalits (Scheduled Castes). As in 2015. At present the BJP rules Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Chhattisgarh, Goa and Jharkhand where Dalit atrocities cases are more than the non-BJP ruled States. In other States ruled...

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No hike in MGNREGA wages in 10 States -Shalini Nair

-The Indian Express In the worst wage revision in the history of the rural employment guarantee scheme, that started in 2006, MGNREGA workers in 10 States will get no hike in their wages for FY 2018-19, according to the revised wage rates issued by the Union government. In the worst wage revision in the history of the rural employment guarantee scheme, that started in 2006, MGNREGA workers in 10 States will get...

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