Total Matching Records found : 4031

Become ‘junglee’ to take on Reds: CRPF DG

-PTI   Giving a new mantra to over 70,000 CRPF troops engaged in anti-Naxal operations, its chief K Vijay Kumar has asked them to turn 'junglee' (inhabitants of forests) and hit the Maoists "hard" before eliminating them.  Kumar, who took over the reins of the force after the paramilitary suffered its biggest ever setback in Chhattisgarh's Dantewada where Naxals ambushed 75 men in 2010, has asked his men to be like hunters, who...

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Economic reforms confined to the corporate sector only by Madhu Purnima Kishwar

Poverty is concentrated in the informal sectors of the Indian economy, with people in these occupations amongst the worst affected from the pernicious Licence Quota Raid Raj. This is illustrated by the sarkari controls that trap the livelihoods of some of our nano entrepreneurs - cycle-rickshaw owners and pullers - in a web of illegality. Cycle-rickshaws are an inexpensive mode of commute in many cities, and do not cause any...

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Need to overhaul government accounting norms, says CR Sundaramurti Committee report

-The Economic Times   A government-appointed committee has recommended a complete overhaul of government accounting norms with a view to enforcing transparency and better monitoring of public spending.  In its report submitted to finance minister Pranab Mukherjee, the C R Sundaramurti Committee has suggested rationalisation and reorganisation of the existing account classification of list of major and minor heads of accounts (LMMHA) of centre and states."  The proposed accounting classification structure will provide a...

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Intent can be reason for denying information to applicant by Prakhar Jain

Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly hikes application fee to Rs 500, could also reject request for information In a move that is clearly against the letter and spirit of Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005, the Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly will now consider an applicant’s intent before providing information. The Assembly could even reject the application if it is convinced that it has been made with mala fide intent. This clearly goes against...

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Who’s afraid of Aadhar? by Pratap Bhanu Mehta

Indian public policy often short-circuits because there are too many crossed wires: one agency trying to do another’s work, and arguments being invoked in contexts in which they are inappropriate. There has been much speculation about the Ministry of Home Affairs’ objections to Aadhar in its current form. But it will be a travesty if the project of identification is moved from its current service delivery-oriented paradigm to a security-oriented...

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