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Is bamboo a tree or a grass? by Sunita Narain

The definition is contested as the answer has immense economic implications. If bamboo is a tree or timber, it belongs to the forest department and can be auctioned to the paper and pulp industry, often at throwaway rates. If it is a grass, then it would be classified as a minor forest produce and people would have the right to cut bamboo for sale or for value addition by making...

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Rajasthan leads the way in ensuring right to education by Aarti Dhar

Rajasthan is racing against time to get rid of the tag of a State with poor human development indicators. At least as far as the school education is concerned, the efforts are dedicated and results expected to be positive. Keen on implementing the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 in letter and spirit, the State is already way ahead in ensuring all children are in school...

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Banker and pradhan ‘rob’ BPL man

A day labourer has complained to court that a panchayat pradhan in cahoots with a bank manager has thrust a loan of Rs 30,000 on him for which he had never applied, the allegation exposing how beneficiaries of village schemes are left at the mercy of influential rural leaders.Additional chief judicial magistrate Manoj Rai, after criticising the police role in the investigation, asked the Islampur subdivisional officer yesterday to inquire...

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Bengal sits on student benefits by Basant Kumar Mohanty

The Bengal government could have ensured a monthly scholarship of Rs 500 for nearly 22,000 poor schoolchildren in the state over the past three years, without any damage to its own pocket. Instead, it chose to help just about 3,000 get the scholarship.The National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship, launched in 2008-09, looks to benefit about one lakh Class IX students every year. The State Bank of India pays the entire sum, which...

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The message and the messenger by Shyam Ranganathan

The Assange saga may be as good for the jurisprudence of rape as the whole WikiLeaks issue may be for the strength of free speech and the Internet.Julian Paul Assange's life as a hacker and “rogue journalist” (as he is to some people) had the makings of a classic Hollywood potboiler, initially. Eventually, it appeared to have turned into high drama, with two women alleging rape and molestation, a Swedish...

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