-The Hindu ‘It is planning to develop minimum standards to enhance availability’ The Tamil Nadu Government will improve suo motu publication of data under the Right to Information Act on the websites of government departments, said Minister for Finance and Human Resources Management Palanivel Thiaga Rajan here on Monday. To a question raised during the discussion following the launch of the book Whole Numbers and Half Truths, authored by journalist S. Rukmini, he...
Nutrition of children hit during pandemic, says survey -Snehamoy Chakraborty
-The Telegraph The study, conducted throughout Bengal in September this year, found that the total number of children suffering from malnutrition stood at 6.70 lakh A recent survey by the women and child development department has revealed that the number of children suffering from malnutrition has increased twofold during the closure of ICDS (Integrated Child Development Scheme) centres following Covid-19, prompting the Bengal government to take urgent measures to ensure food supply...
More »Rs.1,000 crore spent on Poshan Tracker, but where is the data? -Jagriti Chandra
-The Hindu Nutrition indicators recorded in real-time are not in the public domain The Ministry of Women and Child Development has spent over ₹1,000 crore on its Poshan or Nutrition Tracker, which records real-time data on malnourished and ‘severe acute malnourished’ children in each anganwadi. But four years since its launch, the Government is yet to make the data public. The Government has spent ₹1,053 crore on the Poshan Tracker or Information Communication...
More »NFHS-5 reveals a rise in malnutrition -Tabassum Barnagarwala
-IDROnline.org The survey indicates an alarming increase in the number of wasting children, anaemic women, and obese men. The fifth round of the National Family Health Survey, released by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on November 24, has revealed startling reversals in nutrition and health indicators. The data shows an increase in severe wasting in children under five—from 7.5% in 2015-’16, when the previous round of the survey was conducted, to...
More »Share of salaried jobs saw worst fall in March qtr since June 2018 -Abhishek Jha
-Hindustan Times The headline unemployment rate in the March 2021 quarter was 9.4%. This is the lowest since the quarter ending June 2020, which coincided with the 68-day long nation-wide lockdown which was imposed on March 25, 2020. Could the Covid-19 pandemic have left long-term scars on India’s labour markets? The findings of the January-March round of the Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS), released on November 30, by the National Statistical Office...
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