-The Hindu BJP-ruled Uttar Pradesh and NDA-ruled Bihar were among the worst performers The Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation on Tuesday released the findings of the survey of 1.4 lakh rural households, undertaken by the Quality Council of India (QCI) between May and June this year. The survey, covering 4626 villages across all States and Union territories, claimed that 62.45% of the households had access to a toilet. The survey also pointed that...
Diane Coffey, visiting researcher at Indian Statistical Institute (Delhi) and also assistant professor at the University of Texas at Austin, interviewed by Sagar (CaravanMagazine.in)
-CaravanMagazine.in In mid 2011, Diane Coffey and Dean Spears, both visiting researchers at Economics and Planning Unit of Indian Statistical Institute in Delhi and also assistant professors at the University of Texas at Austin, moved to Sitapur, a district in Uttar Pradesh, to conduct a study on poor early-life health and process of stunting among many Indian children. While Coffey attempted to understand the challenges of raising a baby in the...
More »Audit slams Railways on food quality
-The Hindu CAG finds many hazards in catering system; Army’s high-calibre munitions level critical A Comptroller and Auditor General report tabled in Parliament on Friday has found severe deficiencies in the catering services of the Indian Railways, with several stations and trains serving food items “unfit for human consumption”, unpurified tap water being used for food preparation, and food being left unprotected from insects and rats. “Deficiencies in respect of quality of food...
More »Railways serving food unfit for humans, says CAG report -Pradeep Thakur
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: A Comptroller and Auditor General audit report on the catering services in the Indian Railways, to be tabled in Parliament on Friday, has observed that food articles unsuitable for human consumption, contaminated foodstuff, recycled foodstuff, packaged and bottled items past their shelf life and unauthorised brands of water bottles were offered for sale at stations. The audit has found fault with frequent changes in catering policy...
More »'Rs 7,000cr spent, but Ganga still polluted' -Vishwa Mohan
-The Times of India DELHI: The report of a fire literally on the Ganga prompted noted environmentalist and lawyer M C Mehta to file a PIL in the Supreme Court over 32 years ago. Discharge of inflammable effluents from nearby industries in Haridwar had caused the fire on water and subsequently triggered the chain of events which culminated in Thursday's NGT judgement directing both central and state authorities to take multiple...
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