-The News Minute In 1996, when B K Uniyal went through the names of 700 accredited journalists in Delhi, he couldn’t identify a single Dalit among them. He realized that not once in his 30 years in the profession had he met a Dalit journalist. In 2013, Ajaz Ashraf found 21 across the country. On April 12, 2015, that tiny number shrunk even further with the death of Koppula Nagaraju, a...
The Life And Death Of A Dalit Journalist -Manisha Pande
-Newslaundry.com The circumstances of Nagaraju Koppula’s death point to reasons why our newsrooms continue to be incapable of absorbing people from disadvantaged backgrounds. In a heavily contractualised media industry, unions have become a bad word and journalists associated with unions have come to be looked on as trouble makers. It’s no surprise, then, that lawyers, academics and activists outnumbered journalists at the condolence-cum-stocktaking meeting called on by the Delhi Union of journalists...
More »P Sainath, rural reporter, interviewed by Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies
-Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies World-renowned journalist P. Sainath has returned to Princeton to teach two courses, beginning this week, in the Program for South Asian Studies. The former rural affairs editor of The Hindu and award-winning "reporter" - he prefers the term to journalist - has devoted his career to telling the stories of India, uncovering the truth of social problems, rural affairs, poverty and the aftermath of...
More »Coal, mines Bills cleared as govt. has its way -Smita Gupta & Smriti Kak Ramachandran
-The Hindu Land Bill to be taken up in the next phase of budget session Despite an aggressive Opposition giving the NDA's parliamentary managers a tough time during the first half of the budget session that concluded on Friday, the Modi government found reason to pat itself on the back. With the exception of the contentious Land Acquisition Ordinance, it succeeded in converting five of its six ordinances into Acts of Parliament. On Friday,...
More »Whose national interest? -Nandini Sundar
-The Indian Express Indian National Interest requires that our environment be ruined, people displaced, resources thoughtlessly mined, all for the benefit of foreign companies and for the private benefit of people in power. This is the only conclusion that we can draw after reading the recent revelations on Essar alongside the ministry of home affairs (MHA) affidavit in the Delhi High Court responding to Greenpeace activist Priya Pillai's plea that her...
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