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Gurgaon shows the way: Car-free Tuesdays to control manic traffic -Sharad Kohli

-The Times of India GURGAON: On Tuesday, Gurgaon put the brakes on cars, and accelerated into the future. It was the first instalment of the Car Free Day that the city will now observe every Tuesday starting next month. On day one itself, there were 10,000 fewer cars on the city's roads. The air, too, was much more breathable. Levels of PM 2.5 - fine pollutants emitted by vehicles - were 21...

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India's ranking in broadband penetration drops: UN

-IANS/United Nations The country ranked 80 among 133 developing countries on percentage of households with internet in 2014 India's global position in broadband penetration dropped from 125 in 2013 to 131 in 2014 out of 189 countries, according to the State of Broadband report by the United Nations. The UN Broadband Commission's report said 57% of the world's people remain offline and unable to take advantage of the enormous economic and social benefits...

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Ending the debt-suicide cycle in Telangana -B Yerram Raju

-The Hindu Business Line Recently, the Telangana Agricultural Advisory Forum, consisting of a few university professors and scientists, deliberated on the causes and consequences of the drought and farmer ‘suicides’ in the State. The unofficial number of suicides attributed to farm families is 1,152. An inquiry into some of the recent suicides reveals an interesting picture. The farmers were not indebted to cooperative credit societies or commercial banks. The case of a...

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Now, an app that will help people with HIV -Sushmi Dey

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: In an attempt to increase Accessibility of information and treatment of HIV, National Aids Control Organization (NACO) has rolled out a mobile app for AIDS awareness and prevention. The app, first of its kind in India, is based on various international models. The app would provide all kinds of information on AIDS, which is not easily available otherwise. For instance, it will provide information of HIV...

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Aadhaar affecting Access to PDS, complains Delhi's citizenry in a Jan Sunwai

-Press Release from Delhi Rozi Roti Adhikar Abhiyan The Delhi Rozi Roti AdhikarAbhiyan today held a Jan Sunnwai on the problems being faced by people in Delhi while Accessing their PDS entitlements under the Natonal Food Security Act (NFSA). The NFSA provides for priority ration cards for 42% of Delhi’s population. Households with priority ration cards are eligible to receive 5kgs of foodgrains per person per month at subsidised prices....

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