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Bill for land gives true value -Mihir Shah

-The Hindu The draft law on acquisition strikes a balance between development and justice for those who will be displaced in the process India is a rapidly industrialising economy and society with intense demands for better infrastructure from its people. The last 20 years have seen a great acceleration in this process, with India becoming one of the world’s fastest growing economies. However, for those whose lands were acquired for these purposes...

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WHO for regulation of India's '5-star' pvt hospitals

-PTI The country's chief of World Health Organization on Thursday favoured regulation of private hospitals and tax-based financing of universal health coverage proposed in the 12th Plan. "The private sector in India is represented by five star hospitals. Their services need to be regulated," WHO's country representative Nata Menabde said at a media roundtable organized to discuss World Health Organisation's Country Cooperation Strategy with India over the next five years till 2017. Menabde...

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Bt Brinjal is safe, claims NIN

-The Times of India HYDERABAD: Is Bt Brinjal safe? The demonisation of BT crops got a push with the Parliamentary committee on agriculture in its report submitted last month commenting that transgenics in food crops would be fraught with unknown consequences. But the Hyderabad-based National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) says that Bt Brinjal is safe. A voluminous report on the laboratory experiments carried out...

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Is invoking the sedition law mere state folly or a sign that space for dissent is shrinking?-Sukumar Muralidharan

-The Economic Times "Sedition" is a legal construct from less enlightened times, when the sovereign power claimed a divine sanction and subjects were expected to live in awe and fear. So what is republican India doing, in its seventh decade, in bringing a charge of sedition against a self-publishing cartoonist with a propensity for scatology and lurid imagery? A convulsive attack of folly that the agencies of the Indian state have...

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SC lays down new media coverage doctrine-Kian Ganz and Shuchi Bansal

-Live Mint Court says aggrieved party can seek temporary postponement of a matter by moving the appropriate court  Mumbai/New Delhi: The good news for those who deal in news is that the Supreme Court decided against framing guidelines for covering so-called sub judice matters, or those before the courts. The bad news is that by delivering what some analysts are calling an ambiguous judgement, the apex court may have well made it easier...

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