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India's Rural Poor Give up on Power Grid, Go Solar by Katy Daigle

Boommi Gowda used to fear the night. Her vision fogged by glaucoma, she could not see by just the dim glow of a kerosene lamp, so she avoided going outside where king cobras slithered freely and tigers carried off neighborhood dogs. But things have changed at Gowda's home in the remote southern village of Nada. A solar-powered lamp pours white light across the front of the mud-walled hut she shares with...

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Food Security Bill will be brought to Parliament shortly

-News on Air   The Food Security Bill finalised by the National Advisory Council will be brought to Parliament shortly for approval. The draft bill entitles 75 percent of the population to highly subsidised food grains. It provides for people living Below Povery Line getting rice at three rupees a kilogram and wheat at two rupees a kilogram. The Bill proposes that general households will have the right to 20 kilograms...

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Searching for Something Good to Say About India by Manu Joseph

It is a question that journalists in India are often asked without affection. “Don’t you have anything good to say?” A positive story, a happy story? The rebuke, when it is an e-mail or an online comment in response to an unflattering article about India, is sometimes accompanied by abuses or a general description of the journalist’s mother. And it is particularly passionate when it comes from the expatriate Indian whose...

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Goggle-eyed watchmen by Shivam Vij

Millions of Indians use Google and its myriad web services every day. We do not pay for them, nor have we elected the people who run Google. Google does not have to be accountable to us. In the ‘terms of services’ that we click ‘agree’ on, they could say anything because we do not read it anyway. Yet, Google convened a conference in Budapest in September 2010 to tell internet...

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JNU caters mainly to UP, Bihar students, says CAG by Akshaya Mukul

Jawaharlal Nehru University, set up as a centre for academic excellence for the whole country, mainly caters to students from UP and Bihar. This has come out in the draft performance audit report of Comptroller & Auditor General that also found JNU having diverted Rs 6.29 crore, allocated under Infrastructure Development Fund for OBC reservation, to pay electricity/water charges. The government auditor said JNU had failed to maintain an "all-India character...

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