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Track these job destruction numbers -Barkha Deva

-The Hindu Surveys conducted by activists estimate that there are over 1.2 million manual scavengers in India As numbers become data and move from being just a random rearrangement of 0-9, they speak volumes about peoples, nations, and their objectives. They form the basis of government policies, and have the intrinsic potential to change lives, correct historical wrongs and national trajectories. The last election results, we were told, were a message from ‘Aspirational...

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A novel way of addressing malnourishment -Firoz Rozindar

-The Hindu Vijayapura (Karnataka): While the government has initiated several schemes to tackle the problem of malnourishment among children, the University of Horticulture Sciences, Bagalkot, has come up with an innovative idea to effectively deal with this problem. According to the university, the project, if implemented, would not only address the issue of malnourishment but has also multiple advantages, including spreading awareness among children on the importance of horticulture. Vasant Ganiger, professor, Department...

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Bureaucrats pip poor to poverty line! -Kapil Dave

-The Times of India Gandhinagar: The delayed implementation of the National Food Security Act (NFSA) by the Gujarat government from April 1 has thrown up a rather unappetizing truth. More than 1.58 lakh people with permanent government jobs, four wheelers, five or more acres of land, monthly income of Rs 10,000 and paying income-tax -- were feeding off wheat and rice at Rs 2 per kg and highly subsidized sugar and kerosene...

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Punjab Foodgrain scam: Top bankers say could stop lending to state

-PTI The decision was taken by a consortium of banks which held a meeting in New Delhi. Some thirty odd bankers led by State Bank of India, which are staring at heavy losses to the tune of Rs 12,000 crore from the unfolding Food scam in Punjab, on Monday discussed all options, including to stop lending to the state government. The decision was taken by a consortium of banks which held a meeting...

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Rice and fall of great desi crop: India has lost 1.10 lakh traditional varieties

-The Times of India Rice varieties that could grow during droughts or floods, tolerate saltwater, and carry distinct aromas or medicinal benefits - India has lost 1.10 lakh such traditional rice types. Some fifty years ago, these varieties abounded in the country, which is striving currently to ensure Food security for all. Now, however, only 7,000odd local varieties remain and not all are grown. A traditional variety of rice is passed from...

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