-The Hindu 572 children need immediate attention Palakkad (Kerala): A year after a large number of child deaths were reported from Attappady owing to malnutrition, an official Survey held in the past two weeks has found that 572 children below the age of five in the tribal belt still remain malnourished. As per the findings of the Survey conducted by the National Rural Heath Mission (NRHM), the condition of 127 of these 572...
Rs 60,000 crore cost overrun in Maharashtra irrigation projects: CAG
-The Times of India MUMBAI: In a severe indictment of the state irrigation department, the Comptroller and Auditor General of India that inspected 601 ongoing projects in the state has found a cost overrun of Rs 60,235 crore. Nearly 77 projects have been underway for more than 30 years and another 195 projects for more than 15 years. Of the 601 ongoing projects, there was a cost overrun of Rs 47,427 crore...
More »Elderly Women More Vulnerable to Abuse Than Men: Report
-Outlook Elderly women face more abuse than their male counterparts in metro cities than non-metro cities, a Survey on the existence of elder abuse in urban India has found. According to a report released today by HelpAge India, on the eve of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day to be observed on June 15, women seemed to be more vulnerable with 52 per cent women facing abuse as against 48 per cent men. The...
More »The Spectre of Food Crisis in India
-The Navhind Times THAT climate will remain in a state of flux is a given. The fallout of global warming will be periodic extreme heat and drought, as was experienced by the United States and some other food-exporting countries in 2012, sending food prices close to record levels. At the same time, many countries, including China and India will experience heavy rains and floods from time to time, damaging food production. Even...
More »Disadvantaged groups have little access to public goods, says India exclusion report -Jitendra
-Down to Earth Most severely and consistently excluded groups are women, Adivasis, Muslims and the disabled, report confirms A recent report by a Delhi NGO undermines government claims on reaching welfare schemes to the needy and disadvantaged sections of society. The report, titled The India Exclusion Report 2013-14, says the government has failed miserably in providing equal access to public goods to the most disadvantaged groups. The report, prepared by Delhi-based Centre for...
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