-PTI Asian Games gold medallist Pinki Pramanik, who on Wednesday walked out of jail after spending 26 days in custody on charges of rape, alleged that police had tied her hands and legs and forcibly conducted the gender determination test on her. The retired middle-distance runner, who was released from the Dum Dum Central Jail after a Barasat court gave her bail on Tuesday, said she kept on crying and resisted the...
No One Killed Agriculture
-Inclusion.in There is good news. And there’s bad news. The good news first. There’s been a bumper wheat crop and the granaries are overflowing. And the bad news? Where do we begin? A lot of that grain will rot. Millions will still remain hungry. Heavily in debt and distressed, farmers are committing suicide. Food prices are soaring. There’s more… Farmers don’t have money. Their land is too small and isn’t yielding much. Fertilisers and...
More »Shortfall in monsoon rains widens by Ratnajyoti Dutta
-Reuters A shortfall in monsoon rains has widened to nearly 50 percent of average in the past week, making a revival next week crucial for farmers to sow summer-planted crops such as rice, corn, cane, cotton and soybean. The annual rains are crucial for farm output and economic growth as about 55 percent of the South Asian nation's arable land is rain-fed. Farm sector accounts for about 15 percent of a nearly $2-trillion...
More »Rain deficit: Jobs, farming, economy under a cloud-Zia Haq and Gaurav Choudhury
-PTI India’s monsoon, vital for Asia’s third-largest economy, has been 22% deficient till June 26, official data showed, adding to the government’s worries and prompting Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to consult key aides on measures to tone up the economy on Wednesday. In a revised forecast, the Met department predicted the rains would be 96% of the long-term average, lower than its April forecast of 99%. Rainfall is considered normal if...
More »A third of all food produced globally is wasted: United Nations-Subodh Varma
One-third of food produced globally every year does not reach human mouths - it is either lost in transit or wasted by consumers themselves. This amounts to a staggering 1.3 billion tonnes every year. These chilling figures are contained in a report called 'Avoiding Future Famines' released by the United Nations Environment Programme at the recently held Rio+20 summit on sustainable development. Consumers throw away 222 million tonnes of food in...
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