-The News Minute Maharashtra's Women and Child Development Minister Pankaja Munde on Wednesday was embroiled in a controversy involving alleged irregularities in awarding contracts worth Rs 206 crore and the opposition demanded a probe. Among the allegations are irregularities in awarding contracts for workbooks for students, water filters, growth monitoring machines for malnourished kids, medicines and chikkis (sweet cookies with nuts and dryfruits in a jaggery base) earlier this year. Munde, however, rubbished...
1st ‘gender-neutral’ degree handed out by NALSAR varsity
-PTI Anindita Mukherjee had requested the authorities to address her as “Mx” in her certificates and the university, which has probably become the first Indian educational institution to do so, accepted the “fact”. In a first, the NALSAR Law University in Hyderabad has issued a gender-neutral graduation certificate to a student who did not wish to be identified with honorific Mr or Ms but with “Mx”. Anindita Mukherjee, who graduated this year from...
More »'Social Media Usage in Rural India Grew 100 Percent in a Year'
-IANS Usage of social media in rural India has grown by 100 percent during the last one year with 25 million users residing in that belt, a report said on Wednesday. However, urban India registered a relatively lower growth of 35 percent with the total number of users at 118 million as on April 2015, says the 'Social Media in India 2014' report by the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI)...
More »Alcohol doesn't go down well with women -Malathy Iyer
-The Times of India MUMBAI: The gender gap in the world of tipplers is fast shrinking. Recent studies show that more female students than males in Spain are likely to binge-drink, and the percentage of women arrested for drunk driving increased by 30% within a decade in the US. In India, in the absence of any study or statistics, accidents like the one caused by Chembur corporate lawyer Janhvi Gadkar prove that...
More »In IITs, qualifying score goes down so that ST student count can go up -Hemali Chhapia
-The Times of India MUMBAI: A shortfall in the count of scheduled tribe students has forced the Indian Institutes of Technology to re-engineer the qualifying score to join the tech colleges. The aggregate marks are down from 177 (35%) to 124 or 24.5% of 504. Similarly, the cut-offs for each subject have been revised from 10% to 7%. Downsizing of qualifying marks has taken place across the board. The minimum percentage of marks...
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