Twenty-four hours ahead of the hearing in the Bombay High Court, the environment ministry has upheld its order asking Lavasa Corporation Limited to stop all work in its hill township project near Pune. Work at the 25,000-acre planned city was put on hold by a showcause order issued on November 25. The ministry had said that final order on the showcause will be issued by December 31, provided Lavasa “co-operated and...
Govt asks Lavasa to stop work till December end
Ministry of Environment & Forests has upheld its show cause notice on Lavasa Corporation and asked that there be no construction at the Pune site till end of December.The Ministry of Environment & Forests will give a final view on the controversial hill town project, which has been accused of violating green rules, by then.The Interim Order says no work on site can continue. The Ministry order has listed at...
More »High Court stays polls to Gulbarga Zilla Panchayat
Over 50 per cent quota for women challengedThe Gulbarga Circuit Bench of the Karnataka High Court has stayed elections to the Gulbarga Zilla Panchayat till further hearing on a petition filed by three persons from Aland taluk challenging the reservation of seats for women exceeding 50 per cent of the total number of seats.The reservation of seats announced for the Jidga and Chinchansur zilla panchayat constituencies has also been challenged.Interim...
More »Lethal impact by R Krishnakumar
The issues relating to the victims of endosulfan, sprayed in the plantations of Kasargod district in Kerala, have snowballed once again. “Earthworms emerged from the soil, and, subsequently, died. Then birds came to eat the earthworms and they died as well.” “Some termites were killed in a cotton farm sprayed with endosulfan. A frog fed on the dead termites, and was immobilised a few minutes later. An owl which flew over...
More »Court to examine Ratan Tata's petition on Radia tapes by J Venkatesan
Notice to Centre, CBI and Outlook and Open magazines The Supreme Court on Thursday decided to examine industrialist Ratan Tata's petition, which alleged that publication of the tapes of his private conversations with corporate lobbyist Nira Radia had infringed his right to privacy, and issued notice to the Union government, the CBI and the Outlook and Open magazines, seeking their response in 10 days. A Bench of Justices G.S. Singhvi and A.K....
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