On Friday, the Prime Minister launched the Shiksha Ka Haq Abhiyan — a yearlong nationwide campaign for promoting the Right to Education (RTE). As these efforts gain ground, the country faces one important choice: should elementary education be delivered through the current model, which focuses on the expansion of schooling through a top-down, centralised delivery system? Or should we use the RTE as an opportunity to fundamentally alter the current...
Ex-Team Anna members plan new movement against corruption by Sunny Sebastian
“It will be an apolitical, secular movement with a pro-poor slant” A new group of crusaders against corruption is likely to emerge after a meeting at the Gandhi Peace Foundation in Delhi this Friday. Some of the former members of the India Against Corruption movement's core group, including Waterman Rajendra Singh, land rights activist P.V. Rajagopal, Medha Patkar and Magsaysay Award winner Sandeep Pandey are likely to attend the meeting which...
More »Order fuels hope among Yamuna E-way farmers by Darpan Singh
-The Hindustan Times The Allahabad high court verdict on Noida and Greater Noida land acquisition cases has fuelled hopes of a better deal among the farmers of Yamuna Expressway, the third industrial development authority in Gautam Budh Nagar district. Many of the 30-odd villages along the Noida-Agra toll road have moved court, seeking increased cash relief, regularisation of abadi land and allotment of developed plots. In the first phase, the high court had...
More »Yamunanagar may slap fine of Rs10k on erring schools by Pradeep Rai
Submit the details of admission of students from weaker sections under Right To Education (RTE) till October 30 or pay fine Rs 10,000. This is the clear cut warning from the district education department to owners of the private schools of the district. Notably, six months have passed when the RTE introduced, but only few schools have submitted their admission record. Since the RTE is applicable for the students till...
More »Survival in the shadow of dams by Ananda Banerjee
Floods are vital to Kaziranga; dams on the upper reaches of the Brahmaputra could disrupt the balance A few weeks ago, much of the grasslands of Kaziranga National Park were under water. The monsoon floods bring with them their own set of problems—some of the animals, for instance, have to be rehabilitated—but they are required for the very existence of the park. The annual floods of the Brahmaputra creates grasslands, floodplains, and...
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