-The Hindu The social audit meeting of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA), held at Shettihalli in Hassan taluk on Friday, was marked by allegations of corruption against officers and heated exchange of words between residents and elected representatives. A few residents, allegedly in an inebriated state, constantly disrupted the meeting, forcing officials to take repeated breaks at the meeting. The meeting was organised as part of a social audit...
Road ministry panel wants CBI probe into Lucknow-Muzaffarpur highway project-Nidhi Sharma
A probe panel of the road ministry has recommended a CBI investigation into allegations of fraud against private contractors involved in the Lucknow-Muzaffarpur highway project. The inquiry committee, instituted by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, supported findings of the World Bank Institutional Integrity Unit report, which alleged fraudulent practices and graft by private contractors involved in the Lucknow-Muzaffarpur highway project. The committee, formed in April by minister CP Joshi, recommended...
More »World Bank gives evidence of corruption in highway projects-Dipak K Dash
The World Bank's allegations of fraud and corrupt practices in highway projects funded by the multilateral agency could just be the tip of the iceberg. The Bank's report has an annexure of "collateral" evidence showing how contractors produced fake invoices and certificates to get advance from National Highways Authority of India (NHAI). The investigation team of World Bank's Institutional Integrity Unit tracked down three companies supplying aggregates (construction material) in Nepal...
More »Little backing for Jairam's anti-Maoist drive-K Balchand
The Union government has decided to intensify its operations against the CPI (Maoist) by launching the third and fourth phase of its multi-winged, coordinated stratagem to squeeze the expanse of what the Naxalites now refer to as the ‘ring of fire' (part of the red corridor). However, several ministries are not extending any cooperation. Union Minister for Rural Development Jairam Ramesh raised the issue in his letter to Prime Minister Manmohan...
More »India has no room for its wandering builders-Moushumi Basu
The exploitation of migrant construction workers has grown alongside the expansion of the industry. It's time the government got serious about upholding the law. A recent report in The Hindu on the violation of labour laws at a massive construction site belonging to the Army Welfare Housing Organisation in Bangalore raises yet again the repeated neglect of regulations relating to the employment and welfare of workers by construction companies in India. For...
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