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Crime, sex and violence too under the gavel-Nikhil Kanekal

An ongoing hearing before a constitutional bench of the Supreme Court, looking into Media coverage of sub-judice cases, has had its scope expanded to include coverage of criminal investigations and television shows containing sex and violence. The court intends to examine questions related to criminal investigations, including raids, questioning and arrests by police officials. If the court does rule adversely, then crime reporting may no longer be the same and late-night...

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Traditional varieties of rice pushed under carpet, says Agri expert

-The Deccan Herald Debal Deb has conserved around 700 species of rice   Government spends millions of dollars on developing one variety of rice where as thousands of traditional varieties are pushed under the carpet, said Agricultural scientist Debal Deb. He was addressing Media persons after releasing a documentary Agricultural scientist ‘Pearls of wisdom’, narrating stories of farmers and agricultural scientists involved in conserving native varieties of rice. “There are farmers who have conserved traditional...

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Abhijit Sen, Member, Planning Commission interviewed by Dilasha Seth

As the government aims to cut subsidies to less than two per cent of the gross domestic product (GDP) in 2012-13 and 1.75 per cent over the next three years, several analysts believe the subsidy amount on the proposed food security law may not allow it to come into effect or be contained. Planning Commission member Abhijit Sen tells Dilasha Seth various subsidy figures on food security quoted by the...

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Political parties keep a private eye to advise on ticket seekers and rivals

-The Times of India As political parties learn to set up central war-rooms in their headquarters during elections to civic bodies, state assemblies or the Lok Sabha, they are increasingly depending on private detective agencies to collect and collate data in order to gauge people's mood, select prospective candidates and know rival strategies. Sniffing a business opportunity, private players have come up with specialised services of providing ground report to political leaders....

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PMEAC comes up with 3 pricing models to fix retail prices of 328 drugs-Khomba Singh

The Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council has suggested a complex combination of three pricing models to fix retail prices of 348 essential drugs to balance industry's concerns and public health. The proposal, however, has drawn the ire of drug makers who say it is a watered down version of the health ministry's proposals. The council has proposed that for medicines facing "insufficient competition" or a monopoly-like situation, the retail price should...

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