Given a positive regulatory environment, banks and other financial intermediaries will certainly be interested in using the smart card opportunity. Dr Arvind Virmani, with a Ph.D. from Harvard and 30 years of professional experience, is one of the most valued economists in the Government. Before he retired as Chief Economic Advisor in 2009, he had served in the Finance Ministry and the Planning Commission. A researcher par excellence, his research papers...
Govt aiming for broadband in 5 lakh villages
The telecom ministry is likely to provide rural wireless broadband connections to over 5 lakh villages in one-and-a-half years The telecom ministry is likely to provide rural wireless broadband connections to over 5 lakh villages in one-and-a-half years and will provide a subsidy to both state-owned and private service providers operators from the Universal Service Obligation Fund for this purpose. “Wireless broadband to cover about five lakh villages... time period, you see,...
More »2011 Census should unravel new India by Anil Padmanabhan
Later this week, the Registrar General of India (RGI) will unveil the first flush of its findings from the 15th census. This once-in-a-decade effort is the seventh in independent India and is expected to showcase an entirely new set of vital statistics, consistent with the ongoing social and economic transformation of the country and something that should enthuse demographers and policy planners alike. Expectations are that the array of socio-economic data...
More »New laws for old: Forest rights and red-tape wrongs by Shankar Gopalakrishnan
It is a little known fact that in roughly a fifth of our country’s land area, a different legal system operates. In some of these places, if you are caught with certain items, it is up to you to prove that you are innocent of a crime — and whether you go to jail depends on whether a government official kept proper records years earlier. If you are using some...
More »India-Africa partnership to fight dryland poverty
The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) today announced the formation of ICRISAT South-South Initiative (IS-SI) to boost India-Africa partnership on agriculture research aimed at tackling poverty in drylands. Dr Nigel Poole, Chairman of ICRISAT Governing Board, in a statement said IS-SI will build upon ICRISAT's strong India-Africa partnership to scale up its role as the driver of prosperity and economic opportunities in the dryland tropics. Addressing participants of...
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