Total Matching Records found : 2976

US companies bribed Indian ministry officials?

The UPA is in damage control mode over allegations that Indian officials took millions of dollars as bribes to help American companies secure government contracts. Five ministries are investigating specific charges of bribery against their officials, after the Indian ambassador to the US wrote a letter to the Centre. The Agriculture Ministry has asked the CBI to investigate allegations that US-based Dow Chemicals paid $ 200,000 to register 3 of...

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Expand and re-orient NREGA by PS Appu

The recession is a promising moment to expand NREGA with greater emphasis on building social capital in a big way.  Soon after assuming office, the first UPA government took an impressive step for the alleviation of rural poverty by launching the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. It was, indeed, a wise move to insulate the programme from the vicissitudes of electoral politics by enacting the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act...

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Rising prices: What is the govt doing? by Paranjoy Guha Thakurta

The spectre of inflation has returned to haunt India. It is not even six months since the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government returned to power but its inability to control food prices is arguably its single biggest failure till now. The inflation rate will eventually come down sometime in the (hopefully) not-too-distant future and the government will surely take credit for bringing prices down as and when that happens. But...

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After ASEAN, India mulls FTAs with EU, Oz by Nirmala Ganapathy

The controversy over signing the India-ASEAN FTA has not dampened the enthusiasm of the UPA government for pursuing free trade agreements with other countries. Apart from the trade negotiations with the EU, the government is juggling with the possibility of entering into free trade agreements with quite a few countries and groupings. At present India is looking at the possibility of entering into FTA negotiations with Australia. Moving fast, a...

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ET Awards 2008-09: Policy Change Agent of the Year- Jean Dreze

Academics can have relevance beyond the printed word and Jean Dreze has proved that this is indeed the case. He has deservedly won the Economic Times’ Policy Change Agent of the Year 2009 for his outstanding work in poverty alleviation and rural employment. A development economist, Dreze has taken his academic persuasions to the real world — he not only played a major role in designing the National Rural Employment...

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