Total Matching Records found : 3109

Khap panchayat: signs of desperation? by Jagmati Sangwan

The number of cases in which the totally unconstitutional caste panchayats have openly defied the law of the land by issuing illegal diktats has increased manifold. In Haryana today, rapid capitalist transformation is accompanied by a regressive feudal consciousness. As education and political awareness spread among Dalits, women and backward sections, alongside there is a massive consolidation of caste (khap) panchayats in defence of the status quo. The number of cases...

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Study scan on food security by Santosh K Kiro

Food security in the villages of Jharkhand — particularly Chandwa block in Latehar — is extremely low, prompting thousands to migrate to nearby towns in search of livelihood, a study conducted by two students of SP Jain Institute of Management and Research (Mumbai) has found out. The study further showed that the villages are teeming with youngsters — average age is 24 years — while the population of 60 years...

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Inside the Maoist insurgency in India's Jharkand state by Alpa Shah

The guerrilla fighter was tough, experienced, leading a platoon of around 60 insurgents. "I am from a very poor family," the fighter told me. "Life was very difficult. I joined the party and now I understand many more things. I think revolution is the only option." One thing you should know about this hardline Maoist rebel - she is a young woman. She is one of the growing numbers of poor...

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Medicines bought in bulk by govt can help cut costs by Subodh Varma

By spending just Rs 6,000 crore, the government can make a huge dent in the treatment of all sick people across the whole country — currently, people are spending as much as Rs 25,000 crore on buying essential medicines. This was the strong message sent out from a National Consultation organized by several civil society groups at New Delhi on Tuesday. Officials of the health ministry and the Planning Commission...

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Workplace rights for maids by Cithara Paul

Domestic helps, the faceless engine without which daily life will grind to a halt in India, are finally set to get the right to a weekly off and other benefits most Citizens take for granted. The Centre is coming up with a policy that stipulates the compulsory weekly off for domestic helps and a few more benefits. Some homes do already extend a few of these benefits but countless others do...

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