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Now, a farmers’ suicide SENSEX by Sadiq Naqvi

Nearly 2 lakh farmers committed suicide in India since 1997. The share of big five states accounted for 1,22,823 suicides in this 12 year period. The data compiled by the National Crime Records Bureau points out that 16,196 farmers in India ended their life in 2008. K Nagaraj, an economist, in his report Farmers' suicides in India: Magnitude, Trends and Spatial Patterns, says, "The title to land was taken as the...

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60 per cent of high school teachers remain unpaid by Sudipto Mondal

42,000 teachers have not been paid salaries for five to 10 months Even as the State Government attempts to stave off uncomfortable questions about its financial health, claims are surfacing that thousands of government and aided high school teachers have not been paid their salaries for over five months. In some cases, teachers of aided high schools have not been paid for nearly a year. A top official attributed part...

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Row reveals order to lift plant protection by G.S. Mudur and Ajay Sukumaran

The Bt brinjal furore has brought to light a little-known government notification that plucked 190 species of plants out of the protective sphere of a law on biodiversity, triggering fears among some environmental groups that these biological resources may now be plundered with ease. The environment ministry had declared in the notification last year that the provisions of the National Biodiversity Act — India’s only legislation to protect its biodiversity —...

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Gazette notification adds to outrage against Bt brinjal by Sharath S. Srivatsa

The nationwide public consultations on commercialisation of Bt brinjal concluded here on Saturday amid chaos and deep divisions among stakeholders over the acceptability of genetically modified food crops. Disclosure of details of a gazette notification that has kept 190 plant species, including brinjal, out of the purview of the Biological Diversity Act added to the controversy. The exercise, which witnessed frequent disruptions by both pro and anti-GM technology groups, saw tempers...

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Kerala's paddy war by Shree Padre

Dr U Jaikumaran is breathless with excitement over the phone. “The next five days will be hectic and crucial in our war against hunger. We have to transplant rice on 300 acres in just five days.” Dr Jaikumaran, a professor at the Kerala Agriculture University (KAU), has been building a Food Security Army (FSA) – men and women in green uniforms organised into nine regiments and 24 battalions – who are...

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