-The Hindu Advisory comes as new cases cross 40,000 mark again With the daily tally of new coronavirus cases touching a 24-day high at 41,649 cases on Saturday, Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan has written to several States that all districts reporting a positivity rate of more than 10% in the last few weeks, ought to consider strict restrictions. According to a statement from the Health Ministry the curbs must aim to “prevent/curtail...
Why Is Kerala Reporting So Many More COVID-19 Cases Than Other Indian States? -Rijo M John
-TheWire.in The eyes of many experts and non-experts alike are currently on Kerala, as its COVID-19 case load has been increasing in increments far greater than any other state in India. The average number of Daily new Cases reached a low of 11,000 around the last week of June, 2021, and it has since been rising, albeit slowly, over the past two weeks. At the same time, the number of cases...
More »Number of fresh COVID-19 cases down but second wave not over yet: Ministry
-The Hindu ‘Revenge tourism being witnessed at hill stations a dangerous trend’ India has registered a decline of 13% in average daily new COVID-19 cases in the last week said Lav Agarwal, joint secretary, Health Ministry on Tuesday adding that “revenge tourism” which is being currently witnessed at India’s hill stations where COVID-appropriate behaviour isn’t being followed is a dangerous trend. “We have to be careful, responsible and cautious as the second COVID-19...
More »Can some States serve as a bellwether for the third wave? -R Prasad
-The Hindu Both in the first wave and second wave of COVID-19, increase in daily cases was first reported in Maharashtra, then Kerala and Delhi Both in the first and second wave, an increase in daily reported cases was first reported in Maharashtra, followed by Kerala and Delhi. These could be due to several reasons including greater integrity in testing and reporting data. Can a sharp and sustained increase in daily cases...
More »Migrant workers bore the brunt of 2020 lockdown due their poor access to social security schemes & legal rights, depicts latest NHRC report
The rise in COVID-19 Daily new Cases and daily new deaths compelled many state governments to impose local level lockdowns during April-May 2021. As of 20th April, 2021, partial lockdowns were noticed in 10 states across the country and complete lockdown was imposed in Delhi. As of 8th May, 2021, nearly the entire country was under complete lockdown as a result of either partial lockdowns and night curfews or complete...
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