-The Hindu Business Line Retail prices of onion, which had softened a bit last month, have rebounded over the past few days on continued supply disruption, touching the Rs.100 per kg mark in pockets of consuming centres such as New Delhi and Chennai. The bulb could bring more tears to consumers in the days ahead, trade sources said, as the prices are likely to hit new highs with the crop sown in...
Decision to import onions reflects the government's anti-producer bias -Kabir Agarwal
-TheWire.in The move itself reveals a deep-seated pro-consumer and anti-producer bias that has been, in large part, the reason for the agriculture economy being in doldrums. New Delhi: The government has decided to import onions from ‘Pakistan, Egypt, China, Afghanistan or any other origin’, according to a Metals and Minerals Trading Corporation Limited notifications. Some concerns were raised about importing from Pakistan. “And why import from Pakistan? Is the Indian farmer a...
More »After seeking import, Union govt slaps steep export charge on onions -Parthasarathi Biswas
-The Indian Express The steep MEP will, in a way, stop all outbound shipment of onions from India. THE UNION government on Friday slapped a steep Minimum Export Price (MEP) of $ 850 per tonne on onions, virtually putting brakes on the export of the produce. This is the first time that a MEP has been imposed on onions this year. Simply put, henceforth exports will not be allowed if the consignments...
More »Making dam water reach the Farmer -Mihir Shah
-Business Standard Till the time you don’t give water to a farmer’s fields, you can’t save him from suicide. Intervening in a debate in the state Assembly on July 21, 2015, the Chief Minister of Maharashtra remarked that the state has 40 per cent of the country’s large dams, “but 82 per cent area of the state is rainfed. Till the time you don’t give water to a farmer’s fields, you can’t...
More »India to overtake China as most populous country in next 8 years: UN
-Hindustan Times The global population could reach its peak around the end of the current century, with an estimated population of 11 bn, according to the UN report. New Delhi: The world’s population will increase to 9.7 billion by 2050, going up by 2 bn from the earlier 7.7 bn, shows a new United Nations report launched on Monday. The global population could reach its peak around the end of the current...
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