A designated Special Investigation Team (SIT) court on Thursday pronounced the quantum of sentence in the Ode massacre case in which 23 people were found guilty of killing 23 Muslims in the Ode town of central Gujarat during the 2002 riots. Judge Poonam Singh punished 18 persons, guilty of murder, with life imprisonment and five others, guilty of attempt to murder, with seven-year jail term. The charges of conspiracy, rioting, arson,...
Ex-Secys, ex-IB chief, RTI activist, all want jobs in CIC by Ritu Sarin
They operate from a cramped floor in a commercial building near Bhikaji Cama Place in Delhi, and work on a heavy roster of hearings day in and day out. However, the five posts of information commissioners in the Central Information Commission have drawn applications from all categories of people — from scientists, lawyers and journalists to, most of all, retired or soon-to-be retired bureaucrats. Despite the heavy workload and its low-profile...
More »Is Indian bureaucracy the worst?
-The Economic Times Bureaucracy bashing is India's favourite national vocation. And for good reason. Our bureaucracy has its good share of crooks, criminals and cheats who need to be put away - with or without a Lokpal. The simple counter-question is, does the bureaucracy have a disproportionately larger share of crooks than in other professions in India, and the data clearly does not say a resounding yes. In fact, there is perhaps...
More »Govt accepts Kejriwal's resignation after six years
-PTI The government has finally accepted the resignation of Team Anna member Arvind Kejriwal from the Indian Revenue Service (IRS), almost six years after he quit the job. The acceptance of resignation came 45 days after Kejriwal deposited over Rs 9 lakh as dues to settle the issue. "The government has finally accepted my resignation from the Income Tax Department. I received the letter today," Kejriwal told PTI. He had quit the IRS...
More »Media needs to refocus on Lokpal Bill, says Kejriwal
-ANI Right To Information (RTI) crusader and veteran social activist Anna Hazare's key aide Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday said the media needed to refocus on the Lokpal Bill rather than on allegations and mudslinging incidents. Kejriwal said it was imperative that everyone, including the media, worked towards the common goal of bringing a strong Lokpal Bill. "Its important that the media gets back on track and works towards the target. These allegations and...
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