-The Hindu “The Hindu”, in a query filed under the RTI Act, sought information on the expected date of the first phase of Census 2021 and an update of the NPR. The office of the Registrar General of India (RGI) has said the schedule or the questionnaire of the National Population Register (NPR) is “being finalised” and the information about the expected date of first phase of Census 2021 is “not available.” The...
India's Internal Migrants Are 'Stateless' in Their Own Country: Report
-TheWire.in A report by a Kathmandu-based organisation says that across South Asia, governments treat internal migrants as "human entities meant for profiteering by others". New Delhi: While India has brought in a legal provision under the Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) to fast-track the applications of non-Muslim refugees from three neighbouring countries, a recent report has called internal migrants in the country as “stateless without losing the state’s legal recognition”. The report, published by...
More »Has Bangladesh’s economic rise taken the wind out of the NRC narrative? -Shoaib Daniyal
-Scroll.in The final NRC data seems to have belied myths about both the quantum of migration from Bangladesh as well as the religious affilitation of the migrants. For more than five decades now, fear of migration from Bangladesh (and earlier Pakistan’s East Bengal province) has influenced the politics of Assam. To justify this, very high estimates of numbers of Bangladeshi migrants have been put out in the public domain in India. In 1997,...
More »European Parliament’s human rights panel warns India against targeting minorities
-Scroll.in The head of European Parliament’s panel urged the Narendra Modi government to meet its pledge to promote and protect human rights. The European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Human Rights on Monday cautioned India against targeting religious minorities in the country, particularly Muslims. It urged the Narendra Modi government to meet its pledge to promote and protect human rights. In a statement, Maria Arena, the chief of the panel, said that protests over the...
More »UP Doctor's Detention Under Tough Law NSA "Illegal", Free Him: High Court -Shylaja Varma
-NDTV Dr Kafeel Khan was charged under National Security Act for his speech against the CAA at a talk at the Aligarh Muslim University late last year. Lucknow: Kafeel Khan, the Uttar Pradesh doctor jailed under the tough National Security Act (NSA) for a speech against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act or CAA, must be freed immediately, a court said today, calling his detention illegal. The doctor's speech did not show any effort...
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