-The Hindu For the first time in five days since the controversy over a class V student of Patha Bhavan in Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan, being forced to drink her urine as punishment for bed wetting erupted, the authorities have expressed their regret over the incident on Thursday. Stating that the university “unequivocally regrets the traumatic experience” of the student “at the hands of the Warden,” a press release issued by the...
‘2 years on, only 5% schools follow RTE guidelines’
-The Times of India There's less than a year to go and a lot of ground to cover. To take stock of the progress made in implementation of RTE and to plan the way ahead, an alliance of over 10,000 grass-roots organizations working across the country, the RTE Forum, held a national meeting of "people's organizations". Apart from the 200 representatives working on RTE implementation in 20 states, members of theRTE...
More »Scandalous state of Mathura's child welfare homes
-IANS Mathura's child welfare system is marred by poor sanitation and living standards, dilapidated buildings, ineffective staff and irregular adoptions, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) says. The situation came to light Friday when a five-member NCPCR team inspected a juvenile observation home, an orphanage and a beggar's home - all run by the Uttar Pradesh government - in the Hindu holy town. At the State Observation Home, which had...
More »Call for law to jail teachers who cane-Ananya Sengupta
-The Telegraph Teachers who don’t believe in sparing the rod, beware. If an amendment to an existing act on juvenile justice is passed, corporal punishment will for the first time become a standalone provision in the law under which teachers found guilty could be jailed for up to seven years, depending on the nature of injury. As of now there is no definition of corporal punishment except for a provision under the Right...
More »'5-yr-olds made to perform oral sex, naked yoga'-Ajay Sura
-The Times of India Children, many between five and 10 years, were forced into oral sex and performing yoga in the nude at the Rohtak shelter home raided by a National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) team early May. An inmate was found to be HIV positive. Such revelations are part of a report submitted on Wednesday by two members — advocate Anil Malhotra and Sudeepti Sharma — of a...
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