-The Hindu “The Hindu”, in a query filed under the RTI Act, sought information on the expected date of the first phase of Census 2021 and an update of the NPR. The office of the Registrar General of India (RGI) has said the schedule or the questionnaire of the National Population Register (NPR) is “being finalised” and the information about the expected date of first phase of Census 2021 is “not available.” The...
Bihar alliance without a single elected Muslim -Nalin Verma
-The Telegraph The state's largest minority community has held key ministerial and other constitutional posts whether under the rule of Congress, Samyukta Socialist Party, Janata Party, Janata Dal or the RJD Patna: Bihar has for the first time since Independence got a ruling coalition without a single MLA from its largest minority community. None of the four parties in the National Democratic Alliance — the BJP, Janata Dal United, Hindustani Awam Morcha Secular...
More »Tracking nutrition and health status of Indians
-The Hindu As for milk and milk products, only 8.7% in rural and 14.3% of the population in urban areas consumed as per the recommended intakes. Hyderabad: City-based Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute of Nutrition (ICMR-NIN) has initiated ‘Mapping of nutrition and health status – A national level participatory real-time data generation programme’ to develop a mobile-based device to be used by nutrition researchers at district level nationwide during this ongoing...
More »COVID-19 deaths may be higher than reported -Hemant Deepak Shewade and Giridara Gopal Parameswaran
-The Hindu The death figures for India may have to be adjusted for low coverage of medical certification of cause of death As on July 31, India had the third highest burden of COVID-19 globally (based on total reported cases). According to the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), there were 35,747 reported COVID-19 deaths and 5,45,048 active cases. India had 26 COVID-19 deaths per million population. This has been...
More »SARS-CoV-2 has infected less than 1% of sample population: ICMR survey -Maitri Porecha
-The Hindu Business Line Less than one per cent of the population surveyed by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in 83 districts, is believed to be exposed to SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes Covid-19. As very few persons have been exposed to the virus, the Centre warned on Thursday that a large proportion of the population is still vulnerable to get infected. As a result, the Centre has also stated...
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