-The New Indian Express In a chat with The New Indian Express Editor GS Vasu, the internationally renowned medical expert shares two key findings that give India reason to hope. HYDERABAD: At a time of paranoia and panic over how long this corona-fuelled lockdown may stretch, internationally-renowned medical expert Dr D Nageshwar Reddy has good news. "This is something we can eASIly conquer. There’s no need to panic,” he says, while adding...
Siddharth Chandra, Director of ASIan Studies Center & Professor in Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Michigan State University, interviewed by Sushant Singh (The Indian Express)
-The Indian Express Siddharth Chandra, Director of ASIan Studies Center and Professor in Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Michigan State University speaks to The Indian Express about the parallels between 1918 and current pandemic, and the lessons it holds for India. New Delhi: Siddharth Chandra is the Director of ASIan Studies Center and Professor in Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Michigan State University. His work on the intersection of demography,...
More »Explained: Why Africa still has lesser cases of coronavirus -Kajol Rustagi
-The Indian Express What we know so far is that the coronavirus severely affects the elderly but Africa has a younger population than Europe. This is reassuring for the continent despite its high mortality rates. As the coronavirus outbreak continues to spread around the world, the African continent seems to be less-affected at the moment compared to other parts of the world. The coronavirus outbreak, which appeared in China in late December, had...
More »Poor living standards, social variations prevail among AdivASIs of Bengal, says report by Amartya Sen’s Pratichi Trust -Shiv Sahay Singh
-The Hindu Kolkata: The report has produced a picture of lack of understanding and appreciation about the humanity and culture of AdivASIs Even though there is an amount of romanticism with the AdivASI (tribal) way of life in Bengali literature the indicators of well-being like education and health suggests that they are lagging behind other groups of the population, Nobel laureate Amartya Sen said here on Wednesday. ReleASIng a research report titled ‘Living...
More »MGNREGA allocation is way off the mark to uplift the rural economy & address economic downturn, say Right to Work activists
The Union Budget 2020-21, which was presented by the Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman on 1st February, 2020 has failed to impress civil society activists and farmers' rights groups (click here and here). Through their press releases and notes, members of CSOs were demanding as well as suggesting the Union Government for hiking the budgetary allocation for schemes like Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) and Pradhan Mantri...
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