In view of prevailing cold wave conditions in the state Chief Minister Mayawati has sanctioned Rs 3.12 crore for providing temporary shelter,food, Clothes and medical facilities to the poor. The money would be used to provide bonfires, blankets and medical help to the destitutes and the homeless poor people, Government spokesman said here on Thursday. He said state government has provided Rs 1 lakh to each of the 312 tehsils of the...
Resolving the identity crisis by Malia Politzer
When a group of 46 cooks in northern Gujarat—some of whom had been working for up to seven years—demanded full payment for their labour, they were threatened, beaten, then finally thrown out with little more than the Clothes they were wearing. The group—which included women and children—were all migrants from a tribal region in southern Rajasthan. They walked for three days without food to get to the nearest train station,...
More »SC slams tribal torture by Samanwaya Rautray
The Supreme Court has condemned the stripping and parading of a tribal woman by four upper-caste men 17 years ago, citing it as an example of how tribals are systemically ill-treated and “marginalised” in India. The accused had dismissed the evidence of the victim’s torn Clothes claiming that she and other Bhils were poor and usually wore tattered Clothes. “This itself shows the mentality of the accused who regard tribal people as...
More »India's hidden climate change catastrophe by Alex Renton
Over the past decade, as crops have failed year after year, 200,000 farmers have killed themselves Naryamaswamy Naik went to the cupboard and took out a tin of pesticide. Then he stood before his wife and children and drank it. "I don't know how much he had borrowed. I asked him, but he wouldn't say," Sugali Nagamma said, her tiny grandson playing at her feet. "I'd tell him: don't worry, we...
More »Cautious hope by Neeraj Hatekar
The economy shows consistent signs of growth. The challenge in the new year is to make development more equitable and broad-based… 2010 was a year of relief that soon grew into despondency. We were relieved that India had pulled out of the deepest post-War recession relatively unscathed. The soundness of its cautious macro-economic management was underlined once again and the US economy is also looking like getting slowly back on...
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