-The Times of India The urban development ministry has asked Speaker Meira Kumar to pay Rs 1.98 crore for occupation of 6, Krishna Menon Marg. In response to an RTI query, the estates department said Kumar had occupied the bungalow since 1986 after the demise of her father Jagjivan Ram. The department gave a list of 10 people, including "family members of late Indrani Devi, that is, Smt Mira Kumar (sic)", and...
AP Impact: Right-to-know laws often ignored by Martha Mendoza
CHANDRAWAL, India—Satbir Sharma's wife is dead. His family lives in fear. His father's left leg is shattered, leaving him on crutches for life. Sharma's only hope lies in a new law that gives him the right to know what is happening in the investigation of his wife's death. Most of all, he wants to know what will happen to the village mayor, now in jail on murder charges. He talks quietly, under...
More »Team Anna too finds fault with grievance redressal bill by Himanshi Dhawan
Team Anna on Thursday echoed concerns raised by Aruna Roy-led National Campaign for People's Right to Information (NCPRI) on the government's grievance redressal bill. Criticizing the structure for redressal created in the government bill as highly centralized that would collapse under the weight of complaints, Team Anna member Arvind Kejriwal said the selection process was "faulty". Activists have suggested that complaints be dealt with at the district level itself. Under the current...
More »Land grab projects? by Lyla Bavadam
An independent study says some 250 thermal power projects that have got clearances may be meant just to grab land and water resources. THERE have been a growing number of headlines that speak of an energy crisis and the energy deficit in India in the last few years. The disparities in the demand-supply scenario, the increasing prospects of disruptions in the global supply of fuel and the consequent results of higher...
More »Why Kudankulam is untenable by Suvrat Raju & MV Ramana
As the local people determinedly continue to resist the commissioning of the Kudankulam reactors, the statements of the nuclear establishment have acquired a desperate edge. The chief of the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) claimed that a “foreign hand” was behind the protests. The former President, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, while assuring the locals that the reactors were “100% safe,” also wrote an article in The Hindu (“Special Essay,”...
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