-The Hindu Health sector outlay tripled to Rs.3-lakh crore Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said on Saturday that the allocation for the health sector during the 12th Plan had been increased three times over the previous Plan allotment to address complex challenges. The outlay in the 12th Plan had been fixed at Rs. 3-lakh crore, which was 1.95 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product. During the last Plan period, the sector had got...
Food worth crores for poor children siphoned off in Maharashtra, finds Supreme Court panel-Saurabh Gupta and Mala Das
-NDTV Mumbai: In a grim reminder of the continuing misery of the poor in India, a report by a Supreme Court panel has revealed widespread irregularities in the production and supply of food for malnourished children in Maharashtra. While private contractors illegally supplied food and made massive profits, the poor children, who were entitled to the benefit under the anganwadi scheme, were fed stale and low-quality food. The shocking revelations are part...
More »India losing fewer infants but still short of target -Anuradha Mascarenhas
-The Indian Express Pune: A modest yet consistent decline in the Infant Mortality rate, especially in six problematic states, is one of the key features of the latest data from the Sample Registration System. Nationwide, the IMR has dropped by three points from 47 infant deaths per 1,000 live births to 44, according to the October 2012 SRS bulletin. It has dropped to 48 from 51 in rural areas , and...
More »Spoon-feeding Melghat -KumKum Dasgupta
-The Hindustan Times Melghat is an incredibly beautiful place — especially, if you visit the forest-rich area after a robust monsoon (like I did). The weather was cool, the sky pale azure and the spectacular cliff-and-ravine landscape green. But this gem of a place, 750 kilometres northeast of Mumbai in Maharashtra’s Amravati district, has an ugly side story: hunger and malnutrition have been killing tribal children and women here for years....
More »MP is worst place to be born in country -Sravani Sarkar
-The Hindustan Times The number of infants (below age of one year) succumbing in state has gone down by three for every 1000 children born in the course of last year. Good news, but with a rider. The state continues to retain the infamous tag of being the worst place to be born in the country as it still records the highest Infant Mortality rate (IMR) among the 29 states and...
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