The deputy director of the education department, Anil Powar, has in a statement to the Panaji police said that rice and wheat allotted on a monthly basis to self help groups under the MidDay Meal scheme can't be sold in the open market, police sources said. The police recorded Powar's statement after a diary seized from Devendra Shinde-accused of selling rice from fair price shops in the open market-revealed that he...
MidDay Meal scheme to get paltry hike of Rs 6cr this year by Akshaya Mukul
The MidDay Meal (MDM) scheme catering to 12 crore children — all set to increase manifold with the implementation of the Right to Education Act — is likely to get a paltry increase of Rs 6 crore in the 2011-12 general budget. Last year, Rs 10,380 crore was allocated for the scheme. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) may see a big jump in allocation — Rs 21,000 crore from Rs 15,000 crore...
More »Teachers ‘sell’ MidDay Meal rice
The headmistress and a teacher of a primary school in Burdwan have been arrested for allegedly selling off 250kg of rice meant for the MidDay Meal scheme. The matter came to light on Tuesday when two farmers in Gonna village, where the school is situated, saw headmistress Banasri Thakur Mukherjee and teacher Joydeb Gorai “slip into” a grocery shop minutes after a cycle van carrying six sacks stopped in front of...
More »Food security law: NAC heading for confrontation with PMO
Heading for further confrontation with Prime Minister’s Office, Sonia Gandhi headed National Advisory Council will soon issue a paper to counter the PM’s Expert Committee’s claim that its proposed National Food Security law cannot be implemented. In its first indication of the confrontation, the NAC on Friday issued a draft of the proposed food security law as per its recommendations to the government in October 2010 to cover 75 % of...
More »UP pledges full cooperation to CBI in food grain scam
Uttar Pradesh government today promised full cooperation to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in the multi-thousand crore food grain scam in the state.On December 3, Allahabad High Court had directed the central agency for a comprehensive probe in the food grain scam spanning several districts of the state. The orders were passed on a public interest litigation (PIL) filed by Vishwanath Chaturvedi.The CBI is now probing the scam, which...
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