-Hindustan Times Drunken driving will invite a fine of Rs.10,000, talking on phones while driving will result in a fine of Rs.5,000, and for jumping red light, driving without seat belt and helmet, the proposed fine is Rs.1,000. A parliamentary panel has agreed to a 10% annual increase in the fines for various traffic violations including drunken driving, talking on mobile, rash and negligent driving. The panel was studying the Motor Vehicles (Amendment)...
Bhargavi Zaveri, senior research associate at the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, interviewed by Nitin Sethi (Scroll.in)
-Scroll.in The Insolvency and Banking Code was brought in as a law in May 2016 to resolve cases of unpaid debts by companies. It allows creditors to initiate insolvency proceedings against defaulting companies so as to recover their money. The code was thought necessary because existing systems of dealing with insolvent companies had failed to deliver, with cases dragging on for years without result. The code sets up an Insolvency and Bankruptcy...
More »UP is Shifting the Burden of Inefficient Power Companies Onto its Most Disenfranchised Citizens -Kabir Agarwal
-TheWire.in While the hike in power prices will increase rural distress, many farmers believe the move is particularly cruel because the quality of rural power supply hasn’t improved. Garhmukteshwar (Uttar Pradesh): Voting in the civic polls of Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP)-governed Uttar Pradesh (UP) concluded on November 29. A day later, a huge power tariff hike of up to 150% for rural consumers was announced in the state. While the tariff hike,...
More »FRDI Bill: Dispelling some myths about bail-in and other issues to allay depositors' concerns -Shohini Sengupta
-Firstpost.com The Financial Resolution and Deposit Insurance (FRDI) Bill proposes to create a framework for overseeing financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies, non-banking financial services (NBFC) companies and stock exchanges in case of insolvency. The 'Resolution Corporation', proposed in the draft bill, would look after the process and prevent the banks from going bankrupt. It would do this by "writing down of the liabilities", a phrase some have interpreted as a...
More »WTO Summit: What is the biggest takeaway for India; find out here -Biswajit Dhar
-The Financial Express Yet another WTO Ministerial Conference has ended with the 164 members of the organisation failing to agree on how to take the agenda of the organisation forward. At the end of the 11th Ministerial Conference (MC11), there should be no doubt that the WTO has lost its way. Trade ministers have failed to deliver a work programme for the WTO for the second time in a row—a first...
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